Furniture Academy
Coming Soon
We understand that if you are a retailer or design firm owner, sales person or interior designer, it is hard to keep continuing education a priority. Where can you even go to find the information you need to stay informed and relevant in our fast moving industry?
We are striving to become your go-to resource for training. Hire for culture fit and sales ability and let us take care of the rest.
Coming soon, we are pleased to introduce both brand specific and general knowledge training seminars: self-guided, through interactive webinar or in store. Whatever works best for you.
Brand Specific
As a retailer or designer you need to be an expert in all of the lines you carry. That is a lot of information to keep straight. We’ll keep you up-to-date on our brands.
General Knowledge
Need to know the difference between a hand-knotted and hand tufted area rug? How about a deep dive on performance fabrics or sofa construction. We’ve got you covered.
Self Guided or Not
Whether you prefer to have your team in charge of their own learning or have us guide you at your convenience via zoom, anytime or have us visit you in store, the choice is yours.

“Design is a journey of discovery.”
— Florence Knoll